ONYX is a leather fraternity for gay/bisexual/transgender men of color, which works to fulfill the following mission objectives:
Educate: We create and facilitate educational opportunities for the leather/kink/BDSM community about our history and how to play safely.
Explore: We provide opportunities to network with other members of the leather/kink/BDSM community to learn, network, and play.
Empower: We provide the tools and connections to the greater leather community to assist leathermen in their pursuit of a healthy leather lifestyle.

Membership Types
Full Member:
Full members must be gay, bisexual or transgender male of color. Full members enjoy the ability to hold office and vote, and receive the full back patch upon crossing. Full members pay a $150.00 annual assessment. You may not be a full member of another leather organization and a full member of ONYX NY/Northeast.
Associate Member:
Anyone can be an Associate member regardless of ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. Associate members cannot hold an office and have no voting rights. Associate members pay a $100.00 assessment. You may be a full member of another leather organization and apply for Associate membership in ONYX NY/Northeast.
Please review the following guidelines for membership if you are interested in pursuing membership in ONYX NY/Northeast in either capacity.
You must be at least 21 years of age.
You must have previously participated in a minimum of two ONYX NY/Northeast events.
If applicable, please provide the name of your sponsor who will be asked to support your application. For more information, see Sponsorship Section.
You must reside in the ONYX NY/Northeast chapter area (NY, NJ, CT, MA, RI, VT, NH, ME). Philadelphia area residents who find it more convenient to participate in our chapter activities are welcome to apply, but Philadelphia is part of the Mid-Atlantic chapter. If you are interested in membership and do not reside in our chapter area, please visit www.onyxmen.com to find the appropriate chapter.
Application Process:
January 31, 2023: Deadline for 2023 membership applications. Applications are available below on the Membership Page of our website.
February 8th – 13th: Applicants whose applications are approved participate in a video/phone interview.
February 17th: Applicants are informed whether they have been accepted as a member of the next pledge class.
March 3rd: Accepted applicants must confirm their place in the next pledge class.
March 11, 2023: Pledge class activities commence.
If you are being sponsored by a member of ONYX we ask that you please include their name and email address. Your sponsor will be asked to provide information in writing about your participation in the leather community, what characteristics you possess that would make you a successful member of ONYX NY/Northeast, etc.
Active members of ONYX NY/Northeast are preferred sponsors, but any active member of ONYX can be a sponsor.
Before You Apply, Consider This…
The pledge process typically begins with a meeting in January, and all pledges are expected to attend a minimum of one class each month, and to be present at the monthly chapter bar nights held at the NYC Eagle on the second Saturday of each month from 7pm to 10pm. Attendance at additional outings, and events (such as Folsom East and pride activities) may be required. Once the syllabus is received, you must commit to participate in the activities to participate as a pledge. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic this schedule has been altered. The pledge process will include a combination of zoom and/or in person meetings if the proper safety measures can be followed starting in May.
The pledge process can last from 6 – 8 months. You must be able to commit to the entire process.
Pledges under consideration for Full Membership must pay a $90 assessment once the pledge line begins, and the remaining balance of $85 at the crossing. The $90 fee paid at the beginning of the process is non-refundable.
Pledges under consideration for Associate Membership must pay a $65 assessment at the beginning of the process, and an the remaining balance of $60 at the crossing. The $65 fee paid at the beginning of the process is non-refundable.
Pledges must secure and wear their pledge line uniform, which consists of black leather boots, black jeans, and a t-shirt, the color of which will be provided in May. The pledges are expected to be attired in the uniform at all pledge meetings and events where ONYX NY/Northeast is a participant throughout the pledge process.
Pledges must agree (in writing) to adhere to all chapter policies.
Pledges may be removed from the pledge process at the discretion of the organization. Pledges may also complete all requirements and not be accepted as a member at the discretion of the organization at the time of the final evaluation.